ScribbleLight: Single Image Indoor Relighting with Scribbles

1University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2College of William & Mary, 3Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

Iteratively refine lighting effects demo video.


Image-based relighting of indoor rooms creates an immersive virtual understanding of the space, which is useful for interior design, virtual staging, and real estate. Relighting indoor rooms from a single image is especially challenging due to complex illumination interactions between multiple lights and cluttered objects featuring a large variety in geometrical and material complexity. Recently, generative models have been successfully applied to image-based relighting conditioned on a target image or a latent code, albeit without detailed local lighting control. In this paper, we introduce ScribbleLight, a generative model that supports local fine-grained control of lighting effects through scribbles that describe changes in lighting. Our key technical novelty is an Albedo-conditioned Stable Image Diffusion model that preserves the intrinsic color and texture of the original image after relighting and an encoder-decoder-based ControlNet architecture that enables geometry-preserving lighting effects with normal map and scribble annotations. We demonstrate ScribbleLight's ability to create different lighting effects (e.g., turning lights on/off, adding highlights, cast shadows, or indirect lighting from unseen lights) from sparse scribble annotations.


User Scribble

We qualitatively compare the relighting quality of LightIt* [31], RGB↔X [73], and ScribbleLight (Ours) using user-provided hand-drawn scribbles.

Move your mouse over the image to zoom

Motivation for 3D

Monochromatic Shading Map

Qualitative comparison of relighting quality between LightIt* [31], IIDiffusion [32], RGB↔X [73] and ScribbleLight (Ours) with monochromatic shading map given a target (GT) image

Move your mouse over the image to zoom

Shading map

Turning On/Off the Light

We illustrate ScribbleLight's ability to create various plausible relit images by switching different lights on and off while preserving the intrinsic properties of the input photograph.

Move your mouse over the image to zoom

On Off


		title={ScribbleLight: Single Image Indoor Relighting with Scribbles}, 
		author={Jun Myeong Choi and Annie Wang and Pieter Peers and Anand Bhattad and Roni Sengupta},